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Learn about the causes of Snoring & find a practitioner in Auckland, Hamilton, Bay of Plenty, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin to help you overcome Snoring within New Zealand.

Therapies which may benefit Snoring

Snoring is caused by vibrations in the tissue of the mouth, nose and throat when breathing whilst asleep. Snoring can be due to sleeping position, excess tissue or a health condition. Snoring is rarely a serious condition but can lead to sleep apnea whereby breathing temporarily stops causing people to wake up. People who are overweight can snore excessively due to fatty deposits around the neck and throat.


Snoring | The Wellness Directory
Causes of snoring

When asleep, the mouth, nose and throat muscles relax making them more likely to vibrate when breating. Snoring is actually the palate of the mouth and other surrounding tissue of the nose and throat vibrating because air isn't flowing properly through the air passages.

Factors that disrupt airflow through the passages include:

Being overweight
– fat deposits around the neck and throat can lead to the surrounding tissue sagging and preventing air from flowing smoothly. Men are more prone to this problem as they store more fat around the neck.

– drinking alcohol relaxes the muscles so tissue in the mouth, throat and nose is more likely to disrupt air flow.

Sleeping on your back
– by laying on your back while asleep, the tongue falls back toward the throat narrowing the airway and preventing smooth airflow.

– throat muscles weaken with age making them more susceptible to vibration while asleep.

Colds and allergies
– a blocked nasal passage from a cold or allergic reaction makes breathing difficult through the nose encouraging the mouth to take in air instead. The mouth contains more tissue that easily vibrates resulting in snoring.

– smoking can irritate the airways causing inflammation and blocking airflow.

Other factors which can cause snoring include:

  • having a thick soft palate
  • having a palate that is low-set
  • enlarged tonsils
  • a broken or misshapen nose
  • a long uvula (skin that hangs between the tonsils)
Symptoms of snoring
Snoring sounds can range from 50db to 100db but people are unaware they snore until a partner or family member tells them.

A condition called obstructive sleep apnoea can cause someone who snores to wake up through the night as breathing temporarily stops. Sleep apnoea causes tiredness during the day due to sleep disturbance.


Diagnosis of snoring
Snoring is not normal and is an indicator of an underlying health problem such as being overweight. If you suspect you may be suffering with obstructive sleep apnoea then you should seek medical help from your GP as it can be a serious condition.


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