Suicidal Feelings
Natural Solutions in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Learn about the causes of Suicidal Feelings & find a practitioner in Auckland, Hamilton, Bay of Plenty, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin to help you overcome Suicidal Feelings within New Zealand.

Therapies which may benefit Suicidal Feelings

Suicide can be defined as the act of deliberately taking one's own life via an action such as drug's overdose, intentionally crashing a car etc.



Suicidal behaviour commonly accompanies a range of emotional disturbances such as bipolar disorders, depression and schizophrenia. Research has shown that almost 90% of suicides are connected to a or other psychiatric illness or mood disorder.

Suicidal behaviours can often result from an individual’s response to a situation that the person encounters and finds overwhelming. Examples of this could be emotional trauma, isolation, the death of a loved one, serious physical illness, unemployment, ageing, financial problems, feelings of guilt and a dependence or addiction to alcohol or other drug.

In the UK, suicide accounts for about 1% of all deaths each year. The elderly have the highest rate of suicide, but there has been a steady increase among adolescents.

Suicide is now the third leading cause of death for 15- to 19-year-olds, after accidents and homicide. Failed suicide attempts far outnumber completed suicides and many unsuccessful attempts are carried out in such a way to make rescue possible and are seen as a cry for help.

People suffering from suicidal feelings should always consult their GP in the first instance.



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