I have started feeling really lightheaded and dizzy with the additional need for more sleep than usual. Its like my body has suddenly done the reverse on me. What could this be caused by?

Yes as said before there could be a number of causes, stress, blood pressure fluctuations, heart problems, blood sugar imbalances, various nutrient deficiencies, lack of food, dehydration and more. So do get this checked.
Often the simplest answers work best. It is hot at moment so even the more reason for possible dehydration; drink at least 2 liters of plain still water EVERY day. Eat 3 nutrient rich meals a day. That may help. If not contact Jaine at Bay Naturopath in Papamoa Tauranga for help with identifying and addressing other causes naturally.

Hi there, I wonder if you have consulted your doctor about this and excluded any serious causes. Homeopathy can certainly help with your symptoms and if you would like to discuss this further without obligation do please call. My details are on my website www.stillwatercentre.co.nz
Kind regards

As the other practitioners have suggested there could be a number of physical reasons for this - and a medical check up is a good idea.
If that comes back clear it could also be a response to the changing energies of the earth at this time.
It is well documented that we are experiencing a greater number of solar flares and other solar activity which is affecting us all physically and emotionally. You can read more about this at http://www.naturalnews.com/032045_solar_flares_Earth.html
Meditation is a practice that helps all aspects of our well-being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I have 3 Free Guided Meditations available at http://www.how-to-create-miracles.com/free_guided_meditations.html

Like the other suggestions below, I would get your blood pressure and vital signs checked with your doctor and then visit a natural practitioner for further assessment.

I wondered what you usual sleeping hours were bevore you experienced these symtoms. Are you over stressed? Maybe your body is exhausted and does NEED additional sleep. In addition to the suggestion below I would recommend to ground yourself by doing work outside in garden or walking in the forrest or beach.dig your feet in the sand be outside in nature helps to connect the earth.if you want to discuss this further, please feel free to connect through my page, warm regards

Jocelyne's answer provides the detail you require from your GP. Armed with that information an educated natural therapist will be able to advise you about a natural remedy program. If you're not in Auckland (and therefore unable to visit an Auckland therapist), I can coach you via skype or phone. I can recommend therapists in your locality for any bodywork you may require. My contact is in the link below.
All the best with your tests.

As other practitioners have mentioned, many factors can create these symptoms. Age has a big influence, sugar level, Blood Pressure, depression, menopause, high level of stress..... My advice to you is to go and see your GP, ask him for a full blood check, including thyroid function, hormone level, sugar level, liver function and what ever he can think of. See what the results are. If nothing is abnormal, then I would tend to reduce your level of stress or better come to see me. I can do Bowen Therapy or we could have a look at Nutri Puncture. One treat the physical aspect and the other feeds your body at a cellular level. Thus correcting any imbalance.

Hi, the list of causes could be many, however this list can be shortened quite rapidly with a few simple tests. You may very well have low blood pressure however, you may be mineral deficient or you may simply have displaced a vertebra in your neck causing postural vertigo and making you tired. We need as LOT more information to be able to answer this question. If you are in Auckland we can refer you to several specialists that can assist.

There could be several reasons. Before any recommendations for treatment I would suggest that you visit a natural healthcare practitioner that could help you with assessing your symptoms more fully.

I recommend that you see your doctor as you may have low blood pressure.