Infant Massage Therapists in Palmerston North City Centre, Palmerston North

View listings for Infant Massage Therapist Clinics in Palmerston North City Centre, Palmerston North
Palmerston North City Centre Infant Massage Therapists that you can quickly find and book within The Wellness Directory NZ

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Address: 508 Ferguson Street, Palmerston North City Centre, Palmerston North 4410
Phone: 06-3552667
Looking for some TLC? well you have come to the right place. Formed in 2003 and has evolved as one of Palmerston North's finest Day Spa's and clinic, Bella Vita which means beautiful people and the Tree of life logo is symbolic of what they are trying to do for their clients and friends, helping them to be the best they can be inside and out. more »