Planet Ayurveda Wellness Centre


Planet Ayurveda was established in 1996 in New Zealand as the country’s first Ayurvedic Wellness & Spa Centre. Located in a peaceful suburb close to the heart of Auckland, the Centre continues to provide authentic Ayurvedic healing, not only to the local community but to clients from around the world.

With a dedicat
ed team of therapists, who are personally trained in traditional Ayurvedic treatments by Dr Ajit, the clinic has helped thousands of people on the path to total wellness.

For those who work at Planet Ayurveda, the Centre is not just an Ayurvedic business but reflects the total commitment to this health science, a commitment they wish to share with others.

The term Ayurveda is composed of two Sanskrit words – Ayu meaning life & Veda meaning knowledge or science. This “Science of Life” originated in India over 5000 years ago, making it one of the world’s oldest health care systems. It is not merely a health care system to treat ailments but a complete philosophy that encourages the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle.

Ayurveda is known as the 'Mother of all healing systems' because it predates all other healing therapies and natural medicines. Ayurveda is a complete knowledge of life that teaches us how to live in tune with nature and elevate ourselves into the higher realms of happiness - the ultimate goal in life.

According to Ayurveda each individual is unique, a combination of physical, mental & emotional characteristics which are known as his/her constitution (Prakruti). Many factors, both internal as well as external can affect this constitution eg. one’s emotional state, diet, daily food choices, season and weather, physical trauma, job and family relationships. Once we understand that these factors can cause an imbalance in our constitution we have a choice to take appropriate action to nullify or minimise their effects to eliminate the cause.

Ayurveda recognises three primary energies, Vata, Pitta & Kapha. Together they regulate every physiological and psychological characteristic from basic cellular processes to the most complex biological functions. When these forces are in a state of natural balance the defence mechanism of the body works at peak efficiency. 

Learn More About Planet Ayurveda

Planet Ayurveda Part I

Planet Ayurveda Part II

Planet Ayurveda Part III

Planet Ayurveda Wellness Centre
Ajit Singh
465 Parnell Rd
Auckland 1025

Phone: +6493030065

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