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Lets talk about the VAGUS NERVE and our CHILDREN.

I would like to talk about the VAGUS NERVE and children from the perspective of a father of 3 boys with whom I love dearly. They light up my VAGUS nerve with pride, love, joy and inner strength.
I remember being bullied as a young boy and as an adult have affected me in many ways and I was worried about how my children would cope with these kinds of challenges.
We can get caught in the negative in many parts of our lives.
I would like to talk about the positive, the healthy. It is in all of us.
Let me tell a little story about one of my boys on his first few days at school. At the age of 5, the story told to me by his teacher, both of us were laughing as they told me.
An older boy had my son by the collar and was lifting him up. When he put my son down he apparently said at the top of his voice “DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN!”
The next day he stood up in the middle of the class and told another boy “JOHN! DO NOT CALL ME A COCK!”. A proud moment for me!
I will paint a picture of a skinny blue eyed bright red haired boy. The same son at 13 years old, said to me after I asking him about bullying at his new high school. Quote “I have seen a few punches thrown, quite pathetic, If I see any bullying I will sort it out but I am worried about getting into trouble from the head master” I need to mention my son had a black belt in Kempo Karate.
My other two boy’s have used more sutler ways of surviving bullying at school.

I tell these story's for a simple reason.
One of the wonderful things about children that have a healthy relationship to their VAGUS NERVE ARE a healthy self awareness.
They have more empathy towards others and them selves.
They stop fights and arguments in the playground.
They make safer friends. they learn from playing and safe interactions.
They are less likely to be overwhelmed by the big world of their school and the world around them.
More likely to help fellow students in their learning process and at play and sport.
Less likely to be bullied or be a bully.
They will more likely to ask for help.
Social engagement.
A smile that their whole face lights up.

At the primary school where my boys went there was a program where the older students of 11-12 years of age would walk around the school in pairs at lunchtimes. Interacting with the younger students 5 years and up. Helping with problems like falls, arguments and bullying. Along with talking to students that were on there own. In many cases redefining how these younger children view of life in a positive way.
10 years on I still see many of these older students succeeding in University, sports and organizing social awareness groups. Being a positive influence as leaders in our society.
People with in healthy relationship to their VAGUS nerves feel safer.

So those around them feel safer.

Biodynamic Caniosacral. It is in your hands! Lets create Safety,
Health and Harmony.
Be safe
Jason Jackson

[email protected]


Submitted At: 23 February 2021 9:39pm | Last Modified At: 23 February 2021 9:39pm
Article Views: 902

Jason first opened his clinic in 1998. After teaching foundation and Postgrad training in 6 countries over the last 12 years, he is using his vast experience in his clinic. The power of having our undigested stories heard at the deepest level of listening allows a new story to be told. Physically and emotionally. This is Biodynamic Craniosacral!

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