My husband weighs 200kgs and is obese, a type 2 diabetic and is unable to sleep at night. He coughs and cant breathe properly. He sleeps most of the day on the couch. He finds it easier sleeping on the couch than in bed. He is 65 and is in total denial regarding his weight. Do you have any suggestions to help his sleeping at night?
PS. I can do EFT with you by phone and Skype. You'll be amazed at how much your husband's life will change just by you doing EFT on yourself. Astarte
Bless you for caring but it seems you have the biggest problem and not your husband. Nothing will change until he sees that HE is the one that needs to take action. My advice to you is to let go of worrying. You will never change him.
What you can do is live your life to the full. Let him know about the fun you're having. Mention how you'd really love him to be having fun too.
You could also make the lounge a less comfortable place for him to spend the day. No wonder he doesn't sleep at night!
Ultimately this is a psychological issue. I recommend you get a life coach to help you to find your own happiness. Emails for ideas:
[email protected]