Can this kind of therapy help with blinding headaches that i sometimes get?
Have you consulted your regular doctor or health practitioner? I agree absolutely with what my colleagues have said. Recurring headaches can have a multitude of causes, including food allergies, eye strain , injury and stress. They can also be a symptom of more serious problems. Reiki can give relief from even the most severe headache, but recurring pain happens for a reason, and it would be unwise and unethical for a practitioner to treat the symptoms without knowing what is causing them.
Reiki is very effective in eliminating headaches, but like the other practitioners say there will be an underlying cause for the headaches occurring and that needs to be addressed also.
Reiki is a powerful release of all forms of pain, and pain is a sympton of an underlying cause. There are many forms of environmental disrupters in our daily lives, and radiation from cell phones and cell phone towers etc, cause havoc on our nervous system. You can place a scientific cell guard on your phone and wear a pendant it has assisted so many of our clients.
Reiki is a form of energy medicine and can help with all sorts of issues. Blinding headaches can be assisted but I would suggest a proper naturopathic assessment would be beneficial to rule out other causes for your headaches. Keep a diary of foods eaten, times and dates of these headaches, things that make them worse/better and look for patterns. Take this information to a naturopath. A chiropractic assessment would also be beneficial as a package along with having Reiki and the Naturopath. All the best. Donna
Reiki can most certainly help with treating severe headaches and more often than not will relieve all symptoms and discomfort completely. What is just as important however is the awareness of why the headache has occurred which is what we would also explore during any of our Reiki sessions. It's important to gain the awareness so that you can understand what is causing the headache. This awareness is empowering - you can then make informed changes to any aspect of your life that could help avoid them occuring in the future. Hope that helps answer your question, warm regards, Dave Candy