Trigger Point Therapy
Natural Solutions in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch

Learn about the natural health benefits of Trigger Point Therapy & find an Trigger Point Therapy practitioner/clinic in Auckland, Hamilton, Bay of Plenty, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin to assist you further within New Zealand.


 Fact:  Most pain people experience is a result of ‘trigger points’ in the muscle.
Founded By:
American physician Janet Graeme Travell, the personal physician to President John F. Kennedy in 1961.
Therapy Type



Trigger Point Therapy focuses on relieving pain through the application of pressure at trigger points throughout the body. Myofascial trigger points or “knots” as they are often termed by therapists, are the result of points in the muscles, which have been over exerted due to stress, bad posture, injury, trauma or repetitive movement.  These knots can vary in size from a small area, to something that can be detected immediately in the muscle.
An example of how trigger points affect your body can be seen where an individual has knots in their lower and upper body as this can be a factor in having poor posture, as the knots place increased strain upon the neck and shoulders.  To relieve tension within the body the therapist applies pressure through a wide range of myotherapy techniques, in addition to encourage a greater scope of movement and circulation, alongside the pain relief, the relief will perform gentle stretching exercises.
Trigger point therapy is unique in the respect that it’s technique stands alone in it’s ability to relieve muscle spasms as it is not based upon internal or topical medication.  In addition the associated risks with this therapy are minimal, usually only causing minor short-term muscle soreness, whereas in comparison to the pain relieving medications that are easily accessible in supermarkets and pharmacies and their related risks.


Trigger Point Therapy may benefit the following physical and mental conditions:

  • Abdominal Pain                  
  • Allergies                      
  • Asthma                      
  • Anxiety                      
  • Arthritis (& Rheumatoid)              
  • Back Pain                      
  • Bladder/Kidney Problems          
  • Bronchitis                      
  • Chemotherapy (Adverse Reactions)      
  • Childhood Illnesses              
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome          
  • Chronic Pain                  
  • Colds/Flu                      
  • Constipation                  
  • Depression                      
  • Diarrhoea                      
  • Digestive Disorders              
  • Dizziness                      
  • Frozen Shoulder                  
  • Headaches/Migraines              
  • Heart problems 
  • Hypertension/Hypotension
  • Immune System Disorders
  • Infertility
  • Insomnia
  • Joint problems
  • Menopausal Symptoms
  • Muscle Stiffness/Spasms
  • Neck Pain/Stiffness
  • Paralysis/Numbness
  • Sciatica
  • Sinusitis
  • Skin Disorders
  • Sprains/Strains
  • Stress – Emotional/Physical
  • Tendonitis
  • Ulcers
  • Urinary Problems
  • Whiplash
  • Withdrawal Symptoms


Sessions typically last between 30 minutes and 1 hour although you should expect the first session to be longer as your therapist will ask you about your medical history along with other relevant health and lifestyle details.
The knowledge that therapist holds is wide ranging and skilled, as by utilizing their clinical and anatomical knowledge, alongside their tactile skills, a therapist can locate, recognize and treat with appropriate techniques muscular and connective tissue abnormalities.
The variety of techniques which can be used by the therapist, vary depending upon the treatment required, they range from; thermal therapy, corrective exercises, manipulation of soft tissue, electrical nerve stimulation, myofascial stretching to myofascial massage and needling.
The dry needling technique can be utilized to aid treatment in conditions ranging from; migraines, tendonitis, joint pain, osteoarthritis, to chronic and acute trigger point pain.  This is performed by placing into the active pressure points, acupuncture needles, this in turn alleviates pain and aids the relief and supports movement in certain points linked to the musculoskeletal pain patterns.
The therapist aim is to continue alleviating pain and aid relaxation within the muscles that are directly related to your particular area of distress.
In this way, they will strategically locate and diffuse the pain causing trigger points by applying sufficient pressure to that area.  A series of corrective exercises are then often used which encourage the muscles to gradually stretch that have subsequently relaxed through pressure therapy.  After treatment you can expect to feel more mobility, flexibility and comfort in your movements.  Most clients will experience pain relief within one to three sessions.
You may experience some soreness for a day or two after trigger point therapy. In this case, it’s advisable to apply ice to the sore areas and drink plenty of water.


Most people find Trigger Point Therapy deeply relaxing and enjoy the tension it releases throughout the body.  It is also extremely safe when carried out by a qualified therapist.  It is wise to carry out some research and select a therapist who is either a member of, or accredited by, an association or professional body such as the Massage Association of New Zealand (MNZ).   Trigger Point Therapists are obligated to a code of ethics and procedure that determines the therapy is carried out in a suitable and safe environment.  These regulations also guarantee a specialist who has undergone certifiable training and receives professional upskilling.

The Wellness Directory provides a ready-made referral list of certified Practitioners within your region.  We fully encourage you to do some independent research by checking out individual credentials, i.e. experience, training, qualifications, relevant client feedback and so forth.

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