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Submitted on: 19-10-2015; Answers: 2; Tagged under: Bowen Therapy Technique Back Pain       ✘ Report abuse
Q The last time I had Bowen threapy it was not a pleasant experence due the strong pressure the feeling as if the muscle was rolling overmy bones. I also didnot enjoy having to have by head having to face either left or right as the table was just a flat surface (not one with a hole for the head) I have had Bowen before and enjoyed the hole experence during and after treatment.So my last experence really was a bit of a shock. I am now looking for someone with the gentle touch and a bed I can relax my head/neck into. Are my expectations too hig?

A No, your expectations are not too high. Bowen Therapy is a gentle technique "less is more". Feedback is important to give to the Therapist so they can make adjustments. Sometimes if we are inflammed or with pain, a light touch can also feel too much. I give the client the choice of 'head in the bed hole or to the left for those procedures which do not require the head to be left for that specific move and I have found this to give great results. I am in Wellington and trained in Australia with the protégés of Tom Bowen. Patricia Sullivan
A I am sorry that your last experience with Bowen was not a pleasant one. And "no" your expectation s are not too high.
Unfortunately some therapist have a heavy/hard touch. It is important that if this happens again you tell the therapist to lighten the pressure. Bowen Therapy is mostly done with a light touch.
Some therapist have padding on their table and some unfortunately do not.
The turning of the head right or left comes with certain moves to achieve best result, (this as long it is comfortable for the client). If it is not comfortable for the client then it is not required.
If you are in the Hamilton area please do not hesitate in contacting me. I have recently learned to work on animals as well and for this one needs a very light touch.
If you contact someone else, may I recommend that you communicate your concerns to the therapist as it happens.
Kindly yours. Jocelyne
Answered by: Holistic Health Therapies Ltd - Hamilton;
Answered on: 19-10-2015;
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