Every day you can make a massive difference to your happiness levels by repeatedly doing a few small things. Here are 3 short habits that take only a little time. If you do them every day, they will supercharge your feelings of happiness and also power up your health.
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It’s easy to feel under powered when returning to business after a break, no matter whether it’s 3 days or 3 weeks. For some reason, it’s difficult to get the momentum up and the engine revving again!
Here are 3 key ways to building up the pace required at work: MORE >> |
What do you do when you can't switch your mind off work when you get home? How do you unwind and get a mental break? I've been answering this question for clients for years now ... here are some of the super-simple, super-useful tricks I share ...
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As I’m sure you (the intelligent, astute reader) are well aware, overwhelm is not a friend of productivity or sanity. It usually means things take longer, that they’re not necessarily done in an ideal order of priority, or that they don’t get done on time, if at all. Overwhelm often triggers the stress response so that your amazing brain becomes quite addled and custard-like, sometimes at the most inopportune times.
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Decluttering your spaces will declutter your mind which in turn will put you in a much better head space to focus on the more important things in life and stop you dwelling on the past! This article looks at how you can declutter and move forward with life...
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No kid enjoys being unwell so what can you do to protect your child from the viruses, bacteria and other bugs that they are exposed to? Of course, colds and flus are a fact of life and in fact they are a natural way for your child to keep healthy throughout their adult life. However, the important thing is ensuring that the immune system is robust enough for your kid to fight the nasties and quickly bounce back as good as new. So let’s find out what healthy habits we can adopt that will supercha
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As we arrive at the winter solstice here in the southern hemisphere, schedules are heating up and busy-ness abounds for many. It’s a good time, before another month whizzes by, to take the momentum by the hand and S L O W THINGS D O W N.
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You've probably had some brilliant thoughts go through your mind today. Perhaps you came up with a great solution to something, or heard yourself articulating an idea with marvellous flair. Perhaps you've also had some thoughts today of the more ‘dodgy’ variety – I’m talking about worrying, what-iffing or giving yourself a hard time. Well, let’s get this straight …. each thought you have is merely an electrical impulse....
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In recent months, I’ve had numerous conversations with a range of people about this idea of ‘borrowed motivation’ and I have a feeling it’s something we must talk about more. Borrowed motivation is at play when we want someone else to do something for our reasons (no matter how well intentioned) rather than their own...
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No matter what type of anxiety problem men struggle with, it is important to understand that often there are reasons why ‘worry’ remains a part of life.
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