When it comes to fighting off an attack of the winter baddies such as colds and flus, you can call upon blackcurrants – a Superhero of Superfoods, to come to the rescue. These juicy little fruits really do wear the cape, mask and tights – not only are they packed with flavour but research tells us that they may also have amazing nutritional and therapeutic benefits to support a healthy immune system and to beat the winter blues.
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Discover what you’re missing out on if you can’t find the ‘off’ switch for your overactive mind...
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These 3 simple tips will start assisting you to relieve anxiety.
When you know how to gain control over fear and anxiety, you will stress less and enjoy more! MORE >> |
Do you think about something that happened or should have happened and within the blink of an eyelid you've created a monster 'story' in your head? And then to make make worse you add lots of fuel to the fire by thinking of all the worst things that could happen? Use these three ways to calm your thoughts…
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One in four males suffer from anxiety...and that's based on what's reported!! And a lot of anxiety experienced by males goes un-diagnosed or unreported as males are frequently reluctant to admit to having a problem of this nature.
Regardless of the type of anxiety you are struggling with, it's important to know these 5 facts MORE >> |
With so many mixed messages around concerning nutrition and health, it can be tricky to work out just what makes a ‘balanced meal’. The good news is there’s a simple formula you can use to help give your family the balance they need for good nutrition. It’s called ‘1, 2, 3’ and it applies principles of the ‘plate model’ of healthy eating developed by nutritionists.
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Most people keep waiting and wishing for happiness, or put off happiness until they’re successful or until they achieve some goal, which means they limit their happiness.
So how can you start to create more happiness in your life now? Here are 5 very short habits that take only a few minutes of each day. If you do them every day, they will not only improve your levels of happiness, but also improve your health and your mood, reduce stress and anxiety and increase your coping strategies. MORE >> |
I have come to realise that forgiveness in all aspects of life is so very important. Forgiveness means choosing to let go of all the things you are holding onto that no longer serve you. We all have things we need to let go of or moments we wish we could change; words we wished we hadn’t said. Recognise those moments, forgive yourself by knowing on some level you have learnt from your mistakes or choices and that it’s all part of your emotional and spiritual growth.
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Female hormones are as complicated as . . . well . . . female hormones. So if you have hormonal symptoms, fixing them is not as simple as giving you more hormones or sending you home to live with it. Your body needs to be functioning correctly and when it does, hormones have a magical way of properly regulating themselves. In this article we help you to understand why hormones might go out of whack, what happens when they do and natural solutions to get your body back in balance
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The ending of any relationship is a long and lonely road for most. Unless of course you are ending one relationship and moving straight into another (that’s a whole other blog post!). Whether you chose to end the relationship or not, it’s still a hard issue to face head on. And often the loneliness drives some back into the arms of the person you we so determined to leave behind.
This article highlights ways to help you get through this difficult time. MORE >> |