The Wellness Article Directory

375 results found, displaying results 41 to 50.
Divorce Related Anger article image
Divorce Related Anger
Divorce anger allows someone to punish her/his ex while maintaining an ongoing (bitter) relationship with him/her. It’s a situation that leaves both people in the divorce in limbo or unable to move forward with what is important. This article provides strategies that can enable both people to move forward and focus on what is important with more clarity.
Facts about FAT… article image
Facts about FAT…
We start our facts on health & wellness series with evidence based research on Fat. Coconut, vegetable, saturated, high fat, low fat, no fat??? It’s all so confusing! ...Let’s look at the latest finding on the role of fat in our diets - - how much and which fats
Are all Calories equal? article image
Are all Calories equal?
The old ‘calorie myth’ stated that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie - it doesn’t matter whether you eat a 100 calories (or kilojoules) of lollies or broccoli, they will have the same effect on your weight. Yes, all “calories” do have the same amount of energy, but when it comes to your body, things are not that simple.Read on to find out how our body’s biochemistry treats different foods differently and how, in many cases, simple changes in food selection can lead to the same/better result.
Concerned about your brain health? article image
Concerned about your brain health?
Then discover why research suggests that a combination of good nutrition with social, mental and physical activity may be more beneficial in improving or maintaining our brain function – memory, cognition and slowing down brain ageing. We will also touch on which herbs and supplements may boost that grey matter.
Rethinking the rules of weight loss. article image
Rethinking the rules of weight loss.
Feeling confused by all the weight-loss advice out there? No wonder. Diet trends, infomercials for exercise gadgets, ads for pills, and even the latest medical breakthroughs all promise to help you shed unwanted kilos — and they often contradict each other. Sheena Hendon takes a look at holistic weight loss and how mainstream (and natural) medics are recognising that the answer is not simply just more energy out than in and the part metabolic imbalances and the mind play in managing weight.
How To Create A Retreat Day At Home article image
How To Create A Retreat Day At Home
As we arrive at the winter solstice here in the southern hemisphere, schedules are heating up and busy-ness abounds for many. It’s a good time, before another month whizzes by, to take the momentum by the hand and S L O W THINGS D O W N.
How Strong Is Your Relationship...... Before You Have Children?... article image
How Strong Is Your Relationship...... Before You Have Children?...
I hear people announce they are pregnant and starting a family or adding to family and my instant internal reaction is OH GOSH. On the outside I am genuinely happy for them but I always wonder, are you ready for the S*@! storm that comes with parenting? If you are adding to the brood, are you ready for an additional small person taking your life over even more so than you could ever imagine?
Stress While Separating & Divorcing article image
Stress While Separating & Divorcing
Ending any type of relationship causes a certain amount of anxiety and stress, but leaving a marriage takes stress to a whole new level. Here are some general tips I have put in place and share with my clients as we go on our coaching journey together.
Sometimes You Have To Make Your Bucket List Your Reality article image
Sometimes You Have To Make Your Bucket List Your Reality
I want to give you practical ways to truly take stock for yourself over the holidays, AND carve out a year for yourself in 2016 that makes you want to relish every moment.
Shhh... Listen! Do You Hear The Sound Of EFT Getting Rid Of Stress? article image
Shhh... Listen! Do You Hear The Sound Of EFT Getting Rid Of Stress?
The image of everyone playing happy families at gatherings, occasions and events for example Christmas, weddings, funerals, birthdays and so, is sometimes a misguided one.On many an occasion a family member can experience resentment, stress, anxiety or just a general feeling of being on edge. And what’s more they are able to justify how they are feeling;they have cause to feel that way!Often just thinking about the upcoming event is enough to greatly increase the stress/anxiety levels experience