I am a psychotherapist and life coach, and also a mother of two teenagers. When I doubt myself as a parent and feel frazzled, I turn to Andy and Sandra Stanley’s Four Stages of Parenting model to remind me of my parenting role, redirect my focus, and help me to be more effective.
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Our current hectic, busy lifestyle, irregular eating habits and incompatible diet choices during the day and the mental stress of work and home has made everyone vulnerable. When it gets out of hand, one starts showing signs of constant fatigue
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Ayurveda, one of the oldest systems of medicine, has given the world this principle of digestion being the key to wellbeing thousands of years ago. Ayurvedic medicine clearly states that every disease starts in the gut. When one’s metabolism is compromised, the body will produce more toxins and less nutrients and those toxins ultimately become the core cause of ailments.
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Ayurvedic medicine has shared with us that Corona virus is not the end but just the beginning and we should be ready to face such viruses more often in the future.
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I would like to talk about the VAGUS NERVE and children from the perspective of a father of 3 boys with whom I love dearly. They light up my VAGUS nerve with pride, love, joy and inner strength.
I remember being bullied as a young boy and as an adult have affected me in many ways and I was worried about how my children would cope with these kinds of challenges. MORE >> |
It would be fair to say that my first reaction was an emotional one.
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Have you ever heard the phrase: “Eat and drink what you feel is right for your body”?
I suspect most people are unclear about the effect certain foods and drinks have on them, and therefore what food or drink is okay and what is not. Some may feel a tummy ache after eating, for example, or have a headache or a stuffed nose or feel bloated, but do they relate that to a food they have just eaten or a drink they have just drunk? MORE >> |
Female hormonal conditions are challenging, often complex and can have a significant impact on quality of life and associated with greater psychological disturbance including depression, anxiety, aggression and a lower degree of both life and sexual satisfaction. Endometriosis is one of the hormonal conditions that respond well to Naturopathic and functional medicine. Sheena Hendon tells more.
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